Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Since starting as a freelance copywriter in 2002, the one thing I’ve noticed is how nice folks in the fundraising arena are to be around. I investigated a few other niches early on in copywriting, and while I never met a true class bully, I’m sure I crossed paths with a few people who wouldn’t hesitate to run with scissors...in front of the teacher!

There seems to be a prevailing attitude in this sandbox that there’s far too much important work to be done to waste time bickering or bad mouthing and that getting along is far easier and more pleasant than the alternative.

The reason for the Solution Sandbox blog is to perpetuate that mind-set and to create an on-going “play date” where fundraisers, freelancers and others can get to know each other just a little better..I like to think of it as cyber-recess with a purpose.

I was fortunate enough to have one of my earliest encounters be with one of the fundraising arena’s most respected members, Kay Partney Lautman. She was the first to hire me as a freelancer fundraising copywriter and quite gracious about answering my many awkward questions. I'd hoped to meet her in person on a trip to Washington, D.C. this summer, but wasn't able to. It would've been so nice to thank her in person for being so kind to a fundraising newbie!

Is there someone who helped you get started or served as a mentor and helped you learn more about life in fundraising? Post your kudos here and let everyone know about those who provide the leadership that makes fundraising such a nice sandbox to play in!

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